ACER Applied Reading Test - Second Edition (ART 2)

Author(s) : ACER Press

Publisher : ACER Press, 2006


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ACER ART-2 eManual


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Online ART-2 Credit (1-99 Credits)

SKU : E1111UK

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Online ART-2 Credit (100+)

SKU : E1112UK

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Purpose: Assess reading comprehension of candidates for various job roles

Time: 25-30 minutes

Format: Online

The ACER Applied Reading Test - Second Edition (ART 2) is suitable for testing literacy for entry into technical and/or trade type positions or courses.

The ART-2 assesses the ability to comprehend written information. The content deals with mainly work-related topics such as industrial safety and machine operation/maintenance.

Three forms of the test have been developed with varying levels of difficulty and items relevant to specific types of occupations:

  1. General / Clerical Form: A general applied reading test suitable for selection into administrative and clerical roles or courses
  2. Technical / Trade Form: An updated version of the Applied Reading Test appropriate for selection into trade and technical roles or courses
  3. Basic Literacy Form: Designed to assess basic literacy skills for selection into operational roles or applied courses with minimal literacy requirements. It can also be used to test literacy levels of persons from a non-English speaking background.

Passages or diagrams with text from a wide range of relevant areas are presented to candidates. Each passage or diagram is then followed by a number of questions or statements that are based on the passage. Candidates respond to the questions or complete the statements in order to indicate the extent to which they have comprehended the text

Performance on the different forms is intended to be independent of technical knowledge or reading speed.

Updated Norms

The enhanced normative data is provided in the form of:

  • Percentile ranks and stanines, which allow for comparison with an Australian representative sample
  • A description of achievement based on test content
  • A score which allows comparisons of the reading ability of different individuals and how that relates to the difficulty of different items.

Test online with the ACER Psych Testing Platform

The new ACER Psych Testing Platform enables clients to easily manage their candidates, assign assessments and purchase credits. Clients can search, order and prioritise candidates and results based on the chosen criteria – and generate reports when it suits.There’s an informative Help section with useful information and some short webinars.

Candidates will benefit from the consistent and intuitive interface and easy-to-use navigation.

To register for an ACER Psych Testing Platform Account, please click here.

ART-2 Online Sample Basic Literacy Report

ART-2 Online Sample Technical/Trades Report

ART-2 Online Sample General/Clerical Report

ACER Press

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