ACER MRT-2 Forms A and B PDF eManual

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Author(s) : Ian M. Kendall, Ian R. Woff and Adrian Harvey-Beavis

Publisher : ACER Press


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The ACER Mechanical Reasoning Test 2nd ed. (MRT-2) is a group test of mechanical reasoning ability. This ability can be defined broadly as the ability to perceive and understand relationships between components within a mechanism.

There are two main uses of the MRT-2: Selection of apprentices, trainees and technical/trade personnel, and Counselling of individuals (such as school leavers or mature age job changes, who aspire to occupations requiring mechanical reasoning ability).

The MRT-2 can be administered and scored by hand, or online via the ACER Psychological Testing Platform.

The ACER MRT-2 Forms A and B Manual PDF eManual provides information on:

  •     Overview of the MRT-2 and Mechanical Reasoning Ability
  •     Test Development
  •     Administration
  •     Directions for scoring
  •     Interpretation of Test Scores
  •     Technical Details

This is a PDF copy of the Manual (a hard-copy is also available if preferred). The PDF will be made available to you after your purchase.

Ian M. Kendall, Ian R. Woff and Adrian Harvey-Beavis

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