CSA-2 PDF eManual

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ISBN13 : 9781742862460

Author(s) : Erica Frydenberg and Ramon Lewis

Publisher : ACER Press, 2014


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The Coping Scale for Adults - Second Edition (CSA-2) is used to assess the usage and helpfulness of a range of general and specific coping strategies in adults (18 years and over).

It is a research instrument and practical tool designed to support adults in an examination of their own coping behaviour, assessing 20 distinct coping strategies.

The CSA-2 PDF eManual provides information on:

  • Rationale for the revised scale
  • History of adult coping research
  • Development of the CSA-2
  • The CSA-2 Short Form
  • Administration
  • Scoring
  • Interpretation and follow-up

The PDF eManual is made available to purchasers in their online shop account.

Please note: The items in the CSA-2 scale have been removed from the electronic version Manual. To obtain a hard copy of the items on the scale contact Customer Service on 1800 338 402 (toll free). Qualification restrictions still apply.

Erica Frydenberg and Ramon Lewis

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