MajorsPTI™ Online Assessment

Author(s) : Mark Majors

Publisher : ACER Press

SKU : E5008UK

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The MajorsPTI™ Online Assessment takes approximately 10-15 minutes to administer. Fully administered and scored online via the ACER Psych Testing Platform (APT), administrators send a request to their client to complete the assessment online, and are then provided with a detailed 9-page Personality Report.

Additionally, administrators will receive a 1-page Professional's Report, that provides a summary and gives numeric scores for the client's results on the whole type dichotomy (four-letter code) and Majors/Jungian 8-Process scores.

Majors PTI Sample Personality Report

The Personality Report articulates (for the client) the basics of type dichotomies and their whole type (four-letter code) descriptions. The report promotes individual growth and understanding, and provides brief descriptions of the 16-types for further self-exploration and assessment.

Majors PTI Sample Professional's Report

To set up an online APT account and purchase credits, register here.

Mark Majors

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