Online SDS Credit (1-99 Credits)

Australian 2nd ed. Form R

Author(s) : John L Holland. Australian Edition by Meredith Shears and Adrian Harvey-Beavis

Publisher : ACER Press, 2012

SKU : E926UK

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The Self-Directed Search (SDS) is a career counselling aid based on John Holland's theory of careers. It provides a vocational counselling experience by stimulating what a person and a counsellor might cover together in several interviews.

The Form R is designed primarily for use with secondary students, tertiary students and adults.

The SDS is able to be administered and scored online via the ACER Psych Testing Platform (APT). Administrators send a request to their client to complete the assessment online, and are then provided with a concise 23-page report (providing the candidates Summary Code).

The Online SDS Australian 2012 Update is the equivalent of a hard-copy Assessment Booklet and Occupations Finder.

The report explains the ideas behind the SDS, how candidates can use their codes and scores, provides occupations for candidates to explore and reviews some ideas for making good career decisions.

John L Holland. Australian Edition by Meredith Shears and Adrian Harvey-Beavis

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