Vocabulary and Syntax Roundup

Fun Reproducible Pictures and Auditory Bombardment Lists for Language Development

ISBN13 : 978-1586500474

Author(s) : Beverly Foster and Howard Gold

Publisher : Super Duper Publications

SKU : 500VSR

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Vocabulary and Syntax Roundup is designed to help busy Speech-Language Pathologists, Special Education Teachers, ESL Teachers and Teachers implement vocabulary and syntax components into their language programs.

It is designed to combine both a remediation and parent involvement component, making the process fun as well as effective.

The book includes: * 324 target vocabulary pictures * 344 target sentence pictures * 86 language bombardment sheets * Thematic bulletin board ideas * Motivational charts * Sample lesson plans * And more!

Just reproduce the pictures you need, punch a hole in the corner of each picture and put them on any one of the Free Pack of 24 plastic Rinky Links that are included.

Suitable for Kinder to Year 5.

Beverly Foster and Howard Gold