Author(s) : Thomas M. Achenbach

Publisher : ASEBA, 2020

SKU : DA003

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The Brief Problem Monitor (BPM) can evaluate responses to interventions (RTIs) and can monitor functioning in school, inpatient, partial hospitalisation, residential, and other settings

BPM forms are completed by parents, teachers, or youths in 1-2 minutes to rate functioning over user-selected periods of days, weeks, or months. The items are from the CBCL/6-18, TRF, and YSR. They are scored on Internalizing (INT), Attention Problems (ATT), Externalizing (EXT), and Total Problems (TOT) scales.

The BPM 6-18 Software Download provides unlimited scoring of all three BPM Forms (Parent, Teacher and Youth). It is for single-user installation on one standalone machine.

The software compares item ratings and scale scores from up to 4 informants on each rating occasion for up to 10 occasions, and displays trajectory graphs of scale scores obtained from each rater on up to 10 occasions.

Raters can write comments to be entered and stored in the BPM software. Users can add up to 3 problems and/or strengths to be rated and then displayed on profiles.

For each scale, the BPM software displays T scores and percentiles based on norms for the child's gender, age group, and the type of informant (parent, teacher, youth). Based on multicultural data from many societies, the BPM enables users to select norms appropriate for raters from different societies.

System Requirements

  • Windows 8 or 10
  • 1GB of RAM Free
  • 2 GB of free drive space
  • 2 cores
  • ASEBA-PC can also be used on Macintosh computers with computer virtualisation software such as Bootcamp, Parallels, and VMware. Requires a minimum of 1 GB RAM and 1 GB free hard drive space.
Thomas M. Achenbach

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