ASEBA-PC CBCL School Age (6-18) Software (DOWNLOAD)

Author(s) : Thomas M. Achenbach

Publisher : ASEBA, 2020

SKU : DA002

In stock
Qualification required

The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) School Age 6-18 enables practitioners to efficiently obtain standardised ratings and descriptive details of children's functioning as seen by parents (using the CBCL 6-18) and teachers (using the TRF 6-18). The Youth Self Report (YSR) 11-18 Form also obtains the youth's view of their own functioning.

ASEBA-PC Software makes it easy to manage data obtained with ASEBA forms, providing easy-to-read profiles of normed scale scores and narrative reports, multicultural options and cross-informant comparisons.

The ASEBA-PC CBCL School Age (6-18) Software Download is an unlimited use software, for single-user installation on one standalone machine.

If you require multiple users to share a single installation of the software on an intranet server, please refer to ASEBA-Network.

The software is provided as a download- your download information will be emailed to you post purchase (please allow up to 48 hours). 

System Requirements

  • Windows 8 or 10
  • 1GB of RAM Free
  • 2 GB of free drive space
  • 2 cores

ASEBA-PC can also be used on Macintosh computers with computer virtualisation software such as Bootcamp, Parallels, and VMware. Requires a minimum of 1 GB RAM and 1 GB free hard drive space.

Thomas M. Achenbach

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