Conners EC Behavior Teacher Online Form (pkg 5)

Author(s) : C. Keith Conners

Publisher : MHS

SKU : E983

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The Conners Early Childhood (Conners EC) assesses behaviour for preschool-aged children 2 to 6. It is designed to assess the concerns of parents and teachers/childcare providers about preschool-aged children.

The Conners EC aids in the early identification of behavioural, social, and emotional problems, and also assists in measuring whether or not the child is appropriately meeting major developmental milestones (Adaptive Skills, Communication, Motor Skills, Play, and Pre-Academic/Cognitive).

The Conners EC is available through the MHS Online Assessment Center. The MHS Online Assessment Center provides professionals the ability to administer, score and generate reports online. It also allows for printing of forms for client completion, and response entry from paper administrations.

The Conners EC Behavior Teacher Online Form allows completion of the Conners EC Behavior Teacher Form online. The teacher/childcare provider will select and enter their responses online (the clinician is then provided with a report). This option requires 1 Online Form per client.

For individuals who do not wish to administer the Conners CBRS assessments online, the MHS Online Assessment Center provides the capability of printing paper-and-pencil forms on demand. This option requires 1 Online Response Form (allows the printing of 1 Form, and online scoring and reporting).

C. Keith Conners

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