PDMS-2 Online Scoring & Report System: 1 year Renewal

Author(s) : M. Rhonda Folio and Rebecca R. Fewell

Publisher : Pro-ED USA

SKU : E951

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The Peabody Developmental Motor Scales - Second Edition (PDMS-2) is an early childhood motor development program that provides both in-depth assessment and training or remediation of gross and fine motor skills.

The assessment is composed of six subtests that measure interrelated motor abilities that develop early in life, and is designed to assess the motor skills of children from birth through 5 years of age.

The PDMS-2 can be scored online, via the PDMS-2 Online Scoring and Reporting System. The Online System provides an efficient and easy way to obtain PDMS-2 scores and corresponding narrative.

The PC, Mac, and iPad compatible System reduces scoring and reporting time and errors by:

  • Calculating basals and ceilings on item-level data
  • Converting PDMS­-2 item scores or subtest raw scores into standard scores, percentile ranks, and age equivalents
  • Generating composite quotients
  • Comparing PDMS-­2 subtest and composite performance to identify significant intra-individual differences
  • Providing a printed report of the student's identifying information and PDMS­-2 performance, including short-term and long-term treatment goals and objectives.

The PDMS-2 Online Scoring & Reporting System: 1 year Renewal is available to those who have already purchased an initial 1 year subscription. It provides unlimited scoring and reporting for up to 5 users, for 12 months.

Extra users may be added to the account for an extra fee.

System requirements:

  • Internet connection (broadband recommended)
  • Internet Explorer 8 or higher, Firefox 10 or higher, Safari 4 or higher, Google Chrome 18 or higher
  • Must enable Javascript
  • Adobe Reader required for PDF download of reports

PDMS-2 Standard Clinical Sample Report

PDMS-2 Detailed Clinical Sample Report

M. Rhonda Folio and Rebecca R. Fewell

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