10 Steps to Develop Great Learners

Visible Learning for Parents

ISBN13 : 9781032189291

Author(s) : John Hattie and Kyle Hattie

Publisher : Routledge, 2022

SKU : 5565BK

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What can concerned parents and carers do to ensure their children, of all ages, develop great learning habits which will help them achieve their maximum at school and in life? This is probably one of the most important questions any parent can ask and now John Hattie, one of the most respected and renowned Education researchers in the world draws on his globally famous Visible Learning research to provide some answers.

Writing this book with his own son Kyle, himself a respected teacher, the Hatties offer a 10-step plan to nurturing curiosity and intellectual ambition and providing a home environment that encourages and values learning. These simple steps based on the strongest of research evidence and packed full of practical advice can be followed by any parent or carer to support and enhance learning and maximize the potential of their children. Areas covered include:

  • Communicating effectively with teachers
  • Being the ‘first learner’ and demonstrating openness to new ideas and thinking
  • Choosing the right school for your child
  • Promoting the ‘language of learning’
  • Having appropriately high expectations and understanding the power of feedback

Anyone concerned about the education and development of our children should read this book. For parents it is an essential guide that could make a vital difference to your child's life. For schools, school leaders and education authorities this is a book you should be encouraging every parent to read to support learning and maximize opportunities for all.

John Hattie is Emeritus Laureate Professor at the Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne, Australia. He is one of the world’s best known and most widely read education experts and his Visible Learning series of books have been translated into 29 different languages and have sold over 1 million copies.

Kyle Hattie is a Year 6 Teacher working in a primary school in the northern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. Over his 10-year career, he has taught at many year levels, from Prep to Year 6 in both Australia and New Zealand. Kyle has held various leadership titles and has a passion for understanding how students become learners.