Author(s) : Steven G. Feifer, DEd; Professional Manual by Steven G. Feifer, DEd, and Heddy Kovach Clark, PhD
Publisher : PAR, 2019
SKU : 990FMF
The Feifer Assessment of Mathematics™ Screening Form (FAM™ SF) allows you to quickly screen for dyscalculia and math learning disabilities and to identify the needs of at-risk students.
The FAM™ SF is designed to identify children at risk for dyscalculia or a math learning disability (MLD) within an response to intervention (RTI) delivery system model, and is intended to assist users in deciding whether the risk of dyscalculia or an MLD is high enough to warrant further assessment.
The Feifer Assessment of Mathematics™ Screening Form (FAM™ SF) Kit includes:
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• Masters degree in Psychology, OR evidence of equivalent level of study.
• Masters degree in Speech Therapy/Speech Pathology, OR evidence of equivalent level of study.
• Masters degree in Special Education, OR evidence of equivalent level of study.