122 Fold and Say Auditory & Story Comprehension

ISBN13 : 978-1586505721

Author(s) : Diane Hyde

Publisher : Super Duper Publications

SKU : 504FAS

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122 Fold and Say Auditory & Story Comprehension includes entertaining, short stories that are used to improve students' listening and reading skills from grades K to 3.

Material is presented for two skill levels:

  • Level one for beginners
  • Level two for more advanced practice

Level One contains 61, three-sentence short stories. Students read or listen to the stories and answer three story comprehension questions. Follow up questions allow the student to talk, draw, or write about a common situation related to the story.

Level Two has 61, four-sentence short stories. Students read or listen to the stories and select the main idea from a choice of three answers. Level two includes three story comprehension questions and extension activities for the student to talk, draw, or write about a situation related to the story.

Diane Hyde