
Woodcock-Johnson® V (WJ V)

Publisher : Riverside Insights, 2025


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Qualification required
Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
Online WJ V Unlimited Subscription (price per student, 12 month licence). Min. qty 300

SKU : E1263

Qualification required
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Online WJ V Subtest Subscription Access Fee (req for all Subtest Subscriptions, 12 month)

SKU : E1269

Qualification required
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Online WJ V Subtest Subscription (price per subtest, 12 month licence). Min. qty 100

SKU : E1264

Qualification required
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The Woodcock-Johnson® V (WJ V) is structured to offer customised, efficient, and flexible assessments that examiners need to accurately evaluate potential learning problems and important individual differences in children and adults.

The WJ V is designed to measure intellectual abilities, academic achievement, and oral language skills.

What’s new with the WJ V?

  • Digital: The digital design of the WJ V improves the portability of test materials, accessibility of test content, efficiency of test administration, and engagement of examinees
  • Secure: WJ V is hosted on the Riverside Score® platform, which is HIPAA, COPPA, and FERPA compliant, ensuring your data is always secure and protected.
  • Automated Scoring Accuracy: Navigation through each test is fully automated; the platform manages basal and ceiling logic and continuation rules, so you can focus on administration without sacrificing accuracy. Testing by complete pages has been eliminated
  • Streamlined Assessments: Preloaded tests help avoid any pause or delay in testing. Additionally, some task introductions are presented in video format, ensuring that each examinee has an identical opportunity to understand the requirements of the test. The new voice capture feature will improve scoring accuracy, particularly on timed retrieval tasks. When voice capture is enabled, examiners can flag items for later review and score confirmation
  • New Tests & Clusters: Designed to help examiners better assess comprehension, processing speed, executive functioning, working memory, spelling, phoneme-grapheme knowledge, and more
  • Training: All purchases include free access to digital, self-paced WJ V training.

WJ V Batteries

Woodcock-Johnson V Tests of Achievement (WJ V ACH)

The WJ V ACH contains 26 tests that are divided into the Standard set, which contains 18 tests, and the Extended set, which contains 8 tests.

There are 22 clusters available in the WJ V ACH, making it the most robust achievement test on the market.

What's New?

Eight new tests were created to provide more in-depth coverage of reading comprehension, writing fluency, mathematics problem solving, and academic vocabulary and knowledge.

  1. Sentence Writing Accuracy (Standard)
  2. Paragraph Reading Comprehension (Standard)
  3. Math Problem Identification (Standard)
  4. Magnitude Comparison (Extended)
  5. Number Sense (Extended)
  6. Academic Facts (Extended)
  7. Academic Vocabulary (Extended)
  8. Letter Writing Fluency (Extended)

WJ V ACH includes two new tests of oral language that were designed to provide more ecologically valid Listening Comprehension (Gc) and Oral Expression (Gc, Gl) clusters.

  1. Oral Language Samples (Standard)
  2. Story Comprehension (Standard)

Outdated items were eliminated and new, contemporary items for many of the tests were developed.

The Science, Social Studies, and Humanities tests were redesigned to become the new Academic Facts and Academic Vocabulary tests, which measure broad curricular knowledge rather than aligning with a particular curriculum.

Number Matrices, Editing, and Reading Vocabulary were replaced with new, more robust measures of these skills.

The new Math Problem Identification test replaces Number Matrices as a mixed measure of Gq and Gf. It is more relevant to math expectations and is more engaging for the examinee.

The WJ IV Editing test was replaced with the new Sentence Writing Accuracy test, which provides a more comprehensive and ecologically valid assessment of basic writing skills.

Qualification Requirement: S - Specialist

Woodcock-Johnson V Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ V COG)

The WJ V COG contains 20 tests. The Standard set contains 14 tests, which combine to form 12 clusters. The Extended set contains 6 tests.

What's New?

Changes from the WJ IV COG to the WJ V COG include:

Picture Recognition was removed and replaced with more complex measures of visual processing.

  • The Visual Processing (Gv) cluster is now comprised of both 2-D (Spatial Relations) and 3-D (Block Rotation) tests.
  • A new Visual Working Memory test was added that assesses the ability to retain and recall visual-spatial patterns while concurrently processing similar task-irrelevent distractor stimuli.

Phonological Processing, from the WJ IV COG, was removed as a single test and two of its subtests were modified to allow practitioners to better independently evaluate phonological skills (Ga) and retrieval fluency (Gr) abilities.

  • Word Fluency has become a full-length WJ V COG test called Phonemic Word Retrieval (Gr).
  • Substitution has become a full-length WJ V VTL test called Sound Substitution (Ga).
  • Word Access was dropped from the WJ V.

The Long-Term Retrieval (Glr) cluster was separated into Long-Term Storage (Gl) and Retrieval Fluency (Gr) broad ability clusters to reflect contemporary CHC theory.

WJ V COG includes a more robust measurement of Fluid Reasoning (Gf) through the addition of a classic figural matrix inductive reasoning test and the reintroduction of the Gc/Gf Verbal Analogies test.

The WJ IV Short-Term Working Memory (Gwm) cluster was renamed to Auditory Working Memory Capacity (Gwm) to reduce confusion regarding its interpretation.

The WJ IV Pair Cancellation (Gs) test was replaced with the new Symbol Inhibition test, a speeded test designed to measure the executive functions of response inhibition and attentional control.

The Cognitive Processing Speed (Gs) cluster is now composed of Number-Pattern Matching and Letter-Pattern Matching.

The GIA is no longer a differentially weighted combination of CHC tests, but rather contains eight equally weighted test measuring seven broad CHC abilities.

Qualification Requirement: P - Psychologist

Woodcock-Johnson V Virtual Test Library (WJ V VTL)

WJ V VTL is a collection of 15 tests of oral language, linguistic, and related cognitive and achievement abilities that can be used, in a menu-driven selective testing approach, to supplement and extend the comprehensiveness of the WJ V COG and WJ V ACH batteries. 

The WJ V VTL contains five new tests and four new clusters that have been added to extend the comprehensiveness of the WJ V.

Additional tests and clusters supplement the measurement of select CHC abilities (Gwm, Gr, Gs, Ga) in the WJ V COG or WJ V ACH batteries or in a cross-battery assessment approach.

New measures allow in-depth assessment of phonological and auditory (Ga) processing. The WJ V VTL includes six Ga tests and two Ga clusters (Phonological Awareness and Phonological Manipulation).

The WJ V VTL includes five tests of rapid automatized naming (RAN) abilities that can be combined to form the new RAN-Reading (Gs, Gr) and RAN-Math (Gs, Gr) clusters.

The WJ V VTL contains four tests of short-term working memory (Gwm), which when combined with Gwm tests from the WJ V COG, provide a total of six Gwm tests in the WJ V. The Auditory Memory Span cluster is also available in the WJ V VTL.

Qualification Requirement: S - Specialist

WJ V Digital Features

WJ V is the first and ONLY assessment of its kind to be developed fully digital, with norms for digital administration.

The structure and design of most tests are familiar and unchanged, except for updated item content, art, and language. For some tests, the response mode is changed from pointing to tapping, or from circling or marking in a response book to tapping as well. All tests in the WJ V have been specifically designed, developed, piloted, and tested to ensure they are accurately measuring the construct they are intended to measure in a digital format.  

All rostering, administration and scoring will still take place on Riverside Score, where you will log in to score and report your WJ IV results.  

  • Audio capture: Audio capture, when turned on, lets the examiner flag items they feel they need to go back to later to better understand if they scored correctly in the moment. When you flag and item while audio capture is turned on, you can go back to that item in the review process and make sure the score selected on that item is correct by listening to the examinee’s response again. After the test session is submitted for scoring, the audio capture will be permanently deleted. Audio capture is solely a tool for the examiner to ensure accurate scoring during a review process before the session goes to reporting.
  • Response Booklets: The following WJ V ACH tests require use of a Response Booklet - Calculation, Math Facts Fluency, Written Language Samples, Sentence Writing Accuracy, Spelling, Sentence Writing Fluency, Spelling of Sounds, and Letter Writing Fluency. You can download the specific Response Booklet pages from the Riverside Score platform for free and use as needed per assessment (or hard-copy Response Booklets can be ordered in packages of 25).
  • Customised Test Sets: When logged into WJ V on Riverside Score, you can customise your test sets for each individual examinee based on the access to the tests you are entitled to (based on purchase and qualifications). For each examinee, you can design a customised test set to include only those tests you wish to administer to answer your referral questions accurately and quickly. The Riverside Score platform will also include pre-loaded test sets so you can quickly select your most desirable tests. At launch, we will have a pre-loaded test set for the Standard Achievement tests, Standard Cognitive tests and tests used to assess dyslexia.
  • Basal and ceiling rules: Basal and ceiling rules are automatically implemented during the administration, which frees up time and attention for the examiner. Re-routing will automatically occur to ensure you establish the proper basal and ceilings. As an examiner, you can see your progress towards both the basal and ceilings throughout the administration, so you are always in the know.
  • Automated Scoring Accuracy: Moving through the WJ V administration has never been easier. Correct and incorrect answers are clearly identified for the examiner for quick and accurate scoring selections. For some tests, scoring is automatically implemented based on the examinee’s response. As the examiner, you are always in control and can change the scores as needed, if you need to adjust based on examinee responses. At the end of every test administered, you will see the age and grade equivalent scores so you can make informed decisions about which tests to pull in or pass on an individual testing basis.
  • Video Instructions: Some tests that used to require a tremendous amount of attention, working memory, and movement from both sides of the easel are now introduced to the examinee in video instructions, so the examiner no longer needs to test their own cognitive and reading abilities while administering. Now, on tests like Concept Formation and Analysis Synthesis, the examiner can press play and the instructions are played for the examinee in a standardised format, ensuring all examinees receive the same level of instructions, and the examiner no longer needs to juggle so many activities while teaching the task.

There are different qualification requirements for the different WJ V batteries:

Woodcock-Johnson V Tests of Achievement (WJ V ACH)

The WJ V ACH can be accessed by those with a Specialist - Masters (S) qualification:  A Masters degree in a specialist field or evidence of equivalent level of study in one of the listed fields:

  • Type S1: Psychology
  • Type S2: Speech Therapist
  • Type S3: Occupational Therapist
  • Type S4: Social Work
  • Type S6: Special Education

Woodcock-Johnson V Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ V COG)

The WJ V COG can only be accessed by those with a Psychologist (P) qualification: A registered psychologist with AHPRA registration number. A Provisional Psychologist (PS): A provisional psychologist providing a supervisor’s APHRA registration number, letter outlining supervisory arrangements and APHRA registration number can also access the WJ V COG.

Woodcock-Johnson V Virtual Test Library (WJ V VTL)

The WJ V VTL can be accessed by those with a Specialist - Masters (S) qualification:  A Masters degree in a specialist field or evidence of equivalent level of study in one of the listed fields:

Type S1: Psychology
Type S2: Speech Therapist
Type S3: Occupational Therapist
Type S4: Social Work
Type S6: Special Education

There are two purchasing options for the WJ V:

1. Unlimited Subscription - Pay for the total number of students based off the total school enrolment number.

  • Term: Annual (renewable every 12 months)
  • Model type: Unlimited use of the WJ V (all batteries)
  • Price: Price per student. Minimum of 300 required.

Schools pay for the total number of students within their school system based off the total school enrolment number. This grants annual unlimited access to all WJ V products and comprehensive free training.

Unlimited subscriptions provide access to the WJ V Tests of Achievement, WJ V Tests of Cognitive Abilities, and the WJ V Virtual Test Library - providing a comprehensive view of examinee performance and access to robust reporting.

Due to the access level of the unlimited subscription, only those meeting the qualification requirements of the WJ V COG can purchase the unlimited subscription.

2. Subtest Subscription - Pay an annual access fee for individual subtests, plus cost per subtests required.

  • Term: Annual (renewable every 12 months)
  • Model type: Usage based
  • Price: Annual access fee + per subtest price. Minimum of 100 required.

Purchase subtests annually, allowing examiners to choose any subtest from any battery based on specific usage needs - purchase and use for any subtests in the WJ V ACH, WJ V COG or WJ VTL. Online training is also included to help examiners fully understand WJ V capabilities.

Users can add subtests any time, with a single annual renewal date based on the first purchase. Subtests bought in the last 4 months automatically roll over to the next subscription year. For example, if a subscription starts on March 1, 2025, and 200 subtests are added on December 1, 2025, those 200 subtests will be valid until March 1, 2027.

Access fee for 0 - 2000 students is available - if you would like a subtest subscription for over 2000 students please contact us for a customised quote.

The following qualifications are required to access this product. Please login or register to proceed
Please contact ACER Customer Service on +61 3 9007 2048 if you have any queries.

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