Assessment for Dyslexia and Learning Differences

A Concise Guide for Teachers and Parents

ISBN13 : 9781785925221

Author(s) : Gavin Reid and Jennie Guise

Publisher : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2019

SKU : 5491BK

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Positive, empowering and written to suit an international audience, this guide is essential reading for education professionals and parents of children with dyslexia and other learning differences. It includes practical strategies, useful websites and resources, as well as ways of recognising early on that your child or pupil has dyslexia.

The authors, experienced dyslexia and learning differences consultants, highlight the importance of effective and positive communication between home and school, as well as with the child.

Teachers, SENCOs, learning support staff, school counsellors, tutors, parents and any other professional working with dyslexic children will benefit from the weath of information in Assessment for Dyslexia and Learning Differences.

Gavin Reid and Jennie Guise