Autism and the Extended Family

A Guide for Those Outside the Immediate Family Who Know and Love Someone with Autism

ISBN13 : 9781935274667

Author(s) : Raun D. Melmed and Maria Wheeler

Publisher : Future Horizons, 2016

SKU : 5385BK

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Not many resources examine how autism affects grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Yet, they are all affected by this disorder, too!

Follow Dr. Raun Melmed, Developmental Pediatrician, and Maria Wheeler, M.Ed., as they examine the complex relationships that develop, and are changed by an autism diagnosis in the family.

Autism and the Extended Family is a great resource for any family with members who have autism.

Dr. Melmed has been instrumental in setting up nationally recognised physician training programs for the early identification of infants and toddlers with developmental and behavioral concerns and has authored a program geared toward the early screening of autism spectrum disorders. He has published numerous articles and chapters and has presented around the world on topics related to development and learning.

Maria Wheeler, M.Ed., has spent more than 20 years in the fields of psychology and special education, with an emphasis on neurobehavioral disorders, applied behavior analysis, and specific learning disabilities.

She authored the definitive guide Toilet Training for Individuals with Autism or Other Developmental Issues, as well as the staple behavior guide A Treasure Chest of Behavioral Strategies for Individuals with Autism.