BDI-3™ Online Riverside Score Access Key

1 year subscription. 1 per examiner required.

Author(s) : Jean Newborg

Publisher : Riverside Insights, 2020

SKU : E1230

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Qualification required

Some BDI-3 Forms can be administered and scored online (electronic record forms and mobile data solution) - but an Access Key is required.

An Access Key gives an individual user access to Riverside Score scoring and reporting platform, and the Mobile Data Solution (MDS) app for paperless administration. Access Keys provide unlimited access for a 12 month subscription period (per user).

When can you use Riverside Score?

  • Electronic Record Forms with MDS: Riverside Score can be used with Electronic Record Forms using the online Test Record, or test using the MDS. Reports will be generated by Riverside Score.
  • Paper Record Forms with Online Scoring included: Test using paper and pencil, then score and generate reports using Riverside Score.

What is included in my Access Key?

  • Automated BASAL & Ceiling Indicators
  • Built-in timing & tallying
  • Standard Scores & Proficiency Indicators
  • MDS access for online administrations via the app
  • Lesson Plans across domains

Please note: An Access Key cannot be used on it's own. You will still require your BDI-3 Kit (initial purchase) and subsequent forms as required.

Jean Newborg

The following qualifications are required to access this product. Please login or register to proceed
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