CARS2 Manual

Author(s) : Eric Schopler and Mary E. Van Bourgondien

Publisher : WPS, 2010

SKU : 502CAR

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The Childhood Autism Rating Scale 2nd ed. (CARS2) helps to identify children with autism and determine symptom severity through quantifiable ratings based on direct observation, for children aged 2 years and above.

It includes two 15-item rating scales completed by the clinician (each designed for a different population-Standard and High Functioning); and an unscored Parent/Caregiver Questionnaire, that gathers information for use in marking the Standard and High Functioning ratings.

The CARS2 Manual provides information on:

  • General Description
  • Administration and scoring of the three forms
  • Using the CARS2 Ratings
  • Scoring
  • Interpretation and Feedback
  • Intervention Planning and Resources

PART II of the Manual is the Technical Guide, outlining the development of the CARS Method and Psychometric Properties.

Eric Schopler and Mary E. Van Bourgondien

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