CASL-2 Kit

Author(s) : Elizabeth Carrow-Woolfolk

Publisher : WPS, 2017

SKU : 992CSL

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The Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language, Second Edition (CASL-2) is the most up-to-date measure of oral language skills available. It offers the flexibility of 14 stand-alone tests in one comprehensive yet specific battery.

For children and young adults ages 3 to 21, the CASL-2 measures spoken language across four structural categories:

  1.     Lexical/Semantic: Knowledge and use of words and word combinations
  2.     Syntactic: Knowledge and use of grammar
  3.     Supralinguistic: Knowledge and use of language in which meaning is not directly available from the surface lexical and syntactic information
  4.     Pragmatic Language: Knowledge of language that is appropriate across different situational contexts and ability to modify language according to the social situation

The CASL-2 Kit includes:

  • Manual
  • 10 Comprehensive Forms
  • Easel 1
  • Easel 2
  • Easel 3
  • FREE access to CASL-2 online scoring and reporting features (available through the WPS Online Evaluation System)

To access the online scoring and reporting, you will need to register for a WPS Online Evaluation System account.

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Elizabeth Carrow-Woolfolk

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