Author(s) : Jack A. Naglieri and Sam Goldstein
Publisher : MHS
SKU : E953
The Comprehensive Executive Function Inventory (CEFI) is a comprehensive evaluation of executive function strengths and weaknesses in youth aged 5 to 18 years. It can be used to evaluate an individual, using standard scores to compare the youth to a nationally representative norm group, and this information can ultimately be used to guide assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning.
The CEFI is available through the MHS Assessment Center+. The MHS Assessment Center+ provides professionals the ability to administer, score and generate reports online. It also allows for printing of forms for client completion, and response entry from paper administrations.
The CEFI Self-Report Online Form allows completion of the CEFI Self-Report Form online. The youths will select and enter their responses online (the clinician is then provided with a report). This option requires 1 Online Response Form per client.
For individuals who do not wish to administer the CEFI assessments online, the MHS Assessment Center+ provides the capability of printing paper-and-pencil forms on demand. This option requires 1 Online Response Form (allows the printing of 1 Form, and online scoring and reporting).
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Examples of areas of speciality: Psychiatry, Paediatrics