Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing 2nd ed. (CTOPP-2) Examiner's Manual

Author(s) : Richard K. Wagner, Joseph K. Torgesen, Carol A. Rashotte and Nils A. Pearson

Publisher : Pro-Ed USA, 2013

SKU : 502CTP

Available for backorder
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The CTOPP-2 Manual contains administration, scoring and interpretation information required for assessment.

The CTOPP-2 yields six types of normative scores:

  1. Age equivalents
  2. Grade equivalents
  3. Percentile ranks
  4. Subtest scaled scores
  5. Composite indexes
  6. Developmental scores

Percentile ranks are easily understood by parents and others with whom the examiner might want to share the results. Age and grade equivalents show the relative standing of individuals' scores. A new Rasch-based developmental score is now also available for the non-speeded subtests.

Richard K. Wagner, Joseph K. Torgesen, Carol A. Rashotte and Nils A. Pearson

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