Conners 3 Parent Software Response Booklet (pkg 25)

Author(s) : C. Keith Conners

Publisher : MHS, 2008

SKU : 136CRS

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The Conners Rating Scale - Third Edition (Conners 3) offers a thorough assessment of ADHD in children and adolescents from 6-18 years of age. The Conners 3 also addresses comorbid disorders such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder.

Ratings can be obtained from parents and teachers, and a self-report form is available.

The Conners 3 Parent Software Response Booklet contains 110 items, and is completed by a parent rater. Their responses are entered into the Scoring Software, or the MHS Online Assessment Centre by the examiner, for automatic scoring and report generation.

Response Forms are not designed to be handscored, please refer to the Quickscore Form for handscoring.

C. Keith Conners

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