Conners EC Manual

Author(s) : C. Keith Conners

Publisher : MHS, 2009

SKU : 500CEC

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The Conners Early Childhood (Conners EC) assesses behaviour for preschool-aged children 2 to 6. It is designed to assess the concerns of parents and teachers/childcare providers about preschool-aged children.

The Conners EC aids in the early identification of behavioural, social, and emotional problems, and also assists in measuring whether or not the child is appropriately meeting major developmental milestones (Adaptive Skills, Communication, Motor Skills, Play, and Pre-Academic/Cognitive).

The Conners EC Manual provides information on:

  • Features of the Conners EC
  • Conners EC Components
  • Administration Formats
  • Theory and Research
  • Administration
  • Scoring
  • Computerised Scoring
  • Interpreting Results
  • Intervention
  • Case Studies
  • Development, Standardisation, Reliability and Validity
C. Keith Conners

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