Author(s) : Steven G. Feifer, DEd; Professional Manual by Steven G. Feifer, DEd, and Rebecca Gerhardstein Nader, PhD
Publisher : PAR, 2019
SKU : 600FAR
The Feifer Assessment of Reading (FAR™) is a comprehensive assessment of reading and related processes. It is unique in that it helps you determine the examinee's specific subtype of dyslexia to inform decisions about appropriate interventions.
The FAR™ can be used for an array of purposes, including:
Examinees in prekindergarten take eight subtests, examinees in kindergarten to Grade 1 take 11 subtests, and examinees in Grade 2+ take 14 subtests. You can choose to administer the full battery or, for a shorter administration time, only the subtests associated with an individual reading index, or individual subtests.
The Feifer Assessment of Reading (FAR™) Examiner Record Forms are sold in packs of 25.
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• Masters degree in Psychology, OR evidence of equivalent level of study.
• Masters degree in Speech Therapy/Speech Pathology, OR evidence of equivalent level of study.
• Masters degree in Special Education, OR evidence of equivalent level of study.