Feifer Assessment of Writing (FAW™): Comprehensive Kit

Author(s) : Steven G. Feifer

Publisher : PAR, 2020

SKU : 990FAW

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The Feifer Assessment of Writing (FAW™) is a diagnostic achievement test designed to examine the underlying cognitive, motoric, and linguistic processes that support proficient written language skills.

The FAW comprises 10 primary subtests and 2 additional supplemental subtests, designed to measure three subtypes of written language disorders or dysgraphias. Results help specify, from a neuropsychological perspective, exactly why a student struggles with written language so you can develop appropriate, customised interventions.

Key Features

  • Examines the cognitive, motoric, and linguistic processes that occur in the process of building proficient written language skills from a brain–behaviour perspective.
  • Measures three subtypes of written language disorders (or dysgraphias).
  • Provides qualitative information about a student’s writing skills, as well as a skills analysis available within most subtests, that allows you to dig deeper into a student’s abilities.

The Feifer Assessment of Writing (FAW™): Comprehensive Kit includes:

  • Professional Manual
  • Scoring Guide
  • Stimulus Book
  • 10 Response Forms
  • 10 Record Forms
  • Scoring Templates
  • Sentence Scaffolding cards

Steven G. Feifer

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