FrSBe Handscorable Family Rating Test Booklet (pkg 25)

Author(s) : Janet Grace and Paul F. Malloy

Publisher : PAR, 2001

SKU : 102FRS

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The Frontal Systems Behavior Scale (FrSBe) is a brief assessment of behaviour related to frontal systems damage, in adults 18-95 years of age. It provides a means to identify and quantify behavioural problems caused by frontal lobe damage, so those problems may be targeted for treatment.

The 46-item FrSBe behaviour rating scale is easier and less time-consuming to administer than a neuropsychological test battery.

The FrSBe Handscorable Family Rating Test Booklet obtains ratings of a patient's behaviour from a family member or caregiver. Respondents mark their 46 responses directly into the Booklet.

Test Booklets include response scales for rating behaviour before the illness/injury (BEFORE) and after the illness/injury (AFTER).

Scoring is facilitated via the corresponding Profile Form.

Janet Grace and Paul F. Malloy

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