Author(s) : James E. Gilliam
Publisher : Pro-ED USA, 2014
SKU : 992GAR
The Gilliam Autism Rating Scale-Third Edition (GARS-3) assists teachers, parents, and clinicians in identifying autism in individuals and estimating its severity. The GARS-3 yields standard scores, percentile ranks, severity level, and probability of Autism.
Items on the GARS-3 (42 of which are new to the 3rd ed.) are based on the 2013 diagnostic criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder adopted by the APA and published in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Fifth Edition (DSM-5).
Now available! Online Scoring, Administration, and Report System.
Access to the GARS-3 Online Administration, Scoring, and Report System is now included with the purchase of each GARS-3 Complete Kit, and with the purchase of every replacement pack of Summary/Response Forms.
This administration, scoring, and report system was designed as a quick, efficient tool for:
Your activation code required to access the online system is printed on the Forms. Information on how to set up your new account is found in the Manual. Each test user requires an account - an organisation can set up a single account and add examiners/administrators as required.
The GARS-3 Complete Kit includes:
The following qualifications are required to access this product. Please
login or register to proceed
Please contact ACER Customer Service on +61 3 9007 2048 if you have any queries.
Examples of areas of speciality: Psychiatry, Paediatrics