HARE PCL-R 2nd ed. Rating Booklet

Author(s) : Robert D. Hare

Publisher : MHS, 2003

SKU : 602HAR

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The Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised: 2nd Edition (HARE PCL-R 2nd ed.) assesses psychopathic personality disorders in forensic populations, providing complete coverage of the domain of psychopathic traits and behaviours.

Ratings are made using a structured interview and a review of collateral information. Scoring is based on the degree to which an individual's personality and behaviour match the items in the Rating Booklet.

The reusable HARE PCL-R 2nd ed. Rating Booklet contains all of the information needed to administer and score the PCL-R. The Rating Booklet provides an easily accessible format to consult the rating criteria for each of the 20 PCL-R items.

Robert D. Hare

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