
Hi! Thanks! Bye!: Greetings and Manners

A story about why manners matter

ISBN13 : 9780994155702

Author(s) : Elisenda Roca and Cristina Losantos

Publisher : Quirky Kid, 2015

SKU : 5345BK

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A great resource for clinicians, teachers and parents alike, this engaging and humorous book will assist young readers to acknowledge the importance of greeting people and acting politely.

Hi, hello, g'day! They're only little words, but they mean a lot, especially when they come with a smile. But what if you never said a simple hello or goodbye to the people around you? What do you think may happen? Adam and Emily found out - the hard way!

Filled with illustrations and packed with useful strategies, this title can be easily implemented for use in therapy, at school or at home.

Available as individual title or in the Behaviour Series Set.

Elisenda Roca and Cristina Losantos