IDS-2 Executive Functions (all ages) Form/Response Sheet/Response Booklet Set

Author(s) : Alexander Grob & Priska Hagmann-von Arx

Publisher : Hogrefe, 2021

SKU : 603IDS

Available for backorder
Qualification required

Age: 5.0-20.11 years

Time: Executive Functions (30 minutes)

The Intelligence and Development Scaled–2nd Edition (IDS-2) provides in-depth information on the child’s strengths and developmental needs, enabling testers to identify with precision where support is needed to help them achieve their full potential.

The IDS-2 offers the most comprehensive diagnostic assessment available, with 30 subtests covering the six domains: two cognitive domains (Intelligence and Executive Functions) and four developmental domains (Psychomotor skills, Social-emotional skills, Scholastic skills, and Motivation and Attitude).

Developed in a unique modular framework with child-friendly test materials, the IDS-2’s flexible design makes it easy to personalize the testing session. Booklets and record sheets are colour-coded for ease of use and scoring is conducted online for convenience and accuracy.

The IDS-2 can be used across a variety of diverse applications, including identifying and diagnosing intellectual disabilities and learning disorders, evaluating cognitive and motor skills, understanding emotional strengths and weaknesses.

The IDS-2 is valuable in the education sector to determine aptitude, assist with school enrolment or transition between primary and secondary, providing meaningful results to pinpoint specific actions and interventions.

The IDS-2 Executive Functions (all ages) Form/Response Sheet/Response Booklet Set includes:

  • 25 IDS-2 Executive Functions Record Forms
  • 25 IDS-2 Divided Attention Response Sheets
  • 25 IDS-2 Drawing Routes Response Sheet
  • 25 Online Scoring Credits (Form C) on HTS5 - If you already have an existing HTS5 Online Account, your credits will be added post purchase. If you do not have an existing HTS5 Online Account, one will be created for you and your credits added.

IDS-2 Executive Functions Sample Report

Alexander Grob & Priska Hagmann-von Arx

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