Leiter-3 Complete Kit (Rolling Backpack)

Author(s) : Gale H. Roid, Lucy J. Miller, Mark Pomplun and Chris Koch

Publisher : Stoelting Co., 2013

SKU : 993LEI

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The Leiter International Performance Scale - Third Edition (Leiter-3) evaluates nonverbal cognitive, attentional and neuropsychological abilities in typical and atypical children, adolescents and adults (3-75+ years of age). Its engaging, nonverbal format makes it ideal for use of individuals with Autism, Speech/Language Disorders, as well those with English as a second language.

It provides an IQ score, as well as percentile and age-equivalent scores for each subtest. The Leiter-3 provides individual subtest, and numerous composite scores, that measure intelligence and discrete ability areas. These scores identify strengths and weaknesses in individual skills, as well as skill sets.

Growth Scores are provided for all domains, enabling professionals to measure small, but important, cognitive shifts within a skill set, particularly important for children cognitive disabilities. Tracking these shifts allows professionals, educators and parents to see the improvement (growth) across time, irrespective of age-based standard scores.

The Leiter-3 Complete Kit includes:

  • Manual
  • 20 Record Forms
  • 20 Response Booklets
  • Manipulatives (Frame, Blocks, Foam Shapes, Stimulus Cards, Attention Divided Bowls)
  • Easel Book
  • Stimulus Book
  • Scoring Keys
  • Administration Gestures Laminate
  • Timer
  • Purple Marker

All materials are contained in a Rolling Backpack.

Gale H. Roid, Lucy J. Miller, Mark Pomplun and Chris Koch

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