Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test™ (MSCEIT)

Author(s) : John (Jack) D. Mayer, PhD , Peter Salovey PhD , David R. Caruso PhD

Publisher : MHS


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Online MHS Talent Assessment Portal Token: MSCEIT

SKU : E1075

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Purpose: Evaluate Emotional Intelligence (EI) through a series of objective and impersonal questions
Age: 17+
Time: 30-45 Minutes
Format: Online

Developed by academics at Yale and the University of New Hampshire in cooperation with MHS, the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test™ (MSCEIT) tests a respondent's ability to perceive, use, understand, and regulate emotions. Based on scenarios typical of everyday life, the MSCEIT measures how well people perform tasks and solve emotional problems, rather than having them provide their own subjective assessment of their emotional skills.

Skills tested include the ability to identify emotions expressed by a face or in a design; to create feelings that can help solve problems, communicate a vision, or lead people; to predict how someone will react emotionally; and to enhance decision making by integrating thought and emotion. Such skills play a crucial role in just about every key organisational function, from leadership and team-building to negotiation and planning.

The MSCEIT uses a variety of interesting and creative tasks to measure a person's capacity for reasoning with emotional information by directly testing their ability. This performance-based approach makes the MSCEIT test ideal for situations where respondents may want to create a positive impression or 'fake good.'

Key Features:

  • Performance-based assessment measures applied understanding of EI
  • Easy to use online scoring and administration for automatic and immediate results
  • Decrease method bias in respondents' scores by utilising a variety of tasks to assess EI
  • Doesn’t discriminate on the basis or race, gender, or age, meaning that results can be used without fear of bias.
  • Results you can trust with a normative sample

How the MSCEIT Works

The MSCEIT uses a variety of tasks to measure the level of skill an individual possesses in four types of EI abilities:

  1. Perceiving Emotions – measured by rating the extent to which certain emotions are present or absent in pictorial stimuli
  2. Using Emotions – asks respondents' to associate emotions with other sensations
  3. Understanding Emotions – measures respondents' emotional vocabulary and understanding of how emotions may combine or change over time
  4. Managing Emotions – looks at how respondents rate the helpfulness that proposed actions will have in resolving different types of emotional scenarios

The MSCEIT is based on the four-branch model of EI, and is designed to attain one overall Emotional Intelligence score, two areas of skill scores, and four branch scores.

Online MSCEIT Reports

  • MSCEIT Personal Summary Report (61 tokens)

Presents an overview of the scores and data values gathered through the MSCEIT assessment including: Total EI Score, Area Scores, Branch Scores, Task Scores, Positive-Negative Bias Score, Scatter Score, Omission Rates, Percentiles, and Item Responses. All MSCEIT scores are presented graphically and numerically, and are accompanied by descriptions of the purpose and meaning of each score.

Sample MSCEIT Personal Summary Report

  • MSCEIT Resource Report (70 tokens)

Provides detailed descriptions of the history and rationale behind the MSCEIT and its tasks. Results at the Total, Branch, and Task levels are presented graphically and the Positive-Negative Bias Score and Scatter Score are also reported. This report is designed to be given to respondents as a part of a feedback session, and offers specific suggestions about how respondents can supplement or leverage their emotional intelligence skills.

Sample MSCEIT Resource Report

The MSCEIT is administered via the MHS Talent Assessment Portal (TAP). The TAP offers assessments specialising in emotional intelligence and entrepreneurship. These range of tools measure and manage talent and are ideal for use in coaching, organisation and leadership development, selection, and succession planning.

You can send your client an invitation to complete the MSCEIT via the MHS Talent Assessment Portal at any time (at no charge) - when you are ready to generate your reports, you need your required number of tokens.

John (Jack) D. Mayer, PhD , Peter Salovey PhD , David R. Caruso PhD

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