MIGDAS-2 Workshop: 08/05/25, 7AM–11AM (AEST)

SKU : ACW016

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A sensory based qualitative methodology to enhance autism evaluations with children and adolescents

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Presented by licensed psychologist and author of the MIGDAS-2, Dr. Marilyn Monteiro.

Delivery format: This workshop is delivered virtually with Dr. Marilyn Monteiro (author of the MIGDAS-2). Moderated by Eirini Lammi, ACER Clinical Psychologist.

The MIGDAS-2 provides evaluators with an efficient method of systematically gathering and organizing the information needed to diagnose autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children and adolescents. Participants in this workshop will learn to engage children and adolescents in sensory-based interviews using the Monteiro Interview Guidelines For Diagnosing the Autism Spectrum, Second Edition (MIGDAS-2) interview system.

Please note the Workshop focuses on children and adolescents only.

The MIGDAS-2 certification program will highlight the use of the MIGDAS-2 visual framework and descriptive language to individualise the diagnosis of autism spectrum differences. Topics include gaining proficiency in structuring the sensory-based interview using the Descriptive Triangle positive language, and differential diagnosis considerations.

At the end of this workshop participants will:

  • Be able to use the MIGDAS-2 system and protocols to engage children and adolescents in interactive clinical interviews that highlight areas of strengths and differences both remotely and in person
  • Gain essential tools to conduct a sensory-based interview with individuals whose communication skills range from verbally fluent to functionally nonverbal using the MIGDAS-2 system and protocols
  • Be able to use the MIGDAS-2 system to organize observations and describe individuals in positive and descriptive terms
  • Be able to integrate the use of the MIGDAS-2 process with the use of at least three additional measures, such as autism-specific behavior rating scales and the ADOS-2
  • Learn to develop individualised Brain Style Profiles across age and ability levels

Participants will receive a certificate of completion and workshop handouts.

Dr. Monteiro, a licensed psychologist and licensed specialist in school psychology, is an expert in the area of autism spectrum brain style differences. She is the author of two books and a test protocol and is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences. She maintains a practice in Dallas, Texas that specialises in supporting individuals with autism spectrum differences and their families. Dr. Monteiro consults in area school districts and provides national training for clinicians in the areas of autism evaluations, linking interventions to the individualise evaluation process, and family therapy techniques to support individuals with autism spectrum brain style differences.

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