More Than Words

The Hanen Program for Parents of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder or Social Communication Difficulties

Author(s) : Fern Sussman

Publisher : Hanen Institute


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More Than Words Guidebook, 2nd Edition

SKU : 5447BK

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More Than Words DVD

SKU : 800SW

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As a parent of a child with autism, you want nothing more than to help your child communicate.

Extensive research has shown that when parents interact with their child in specific ways that motivate, encourage and support communication, they can make a significant difference to their child's social and communication development.

Based on this research, the More Than Words Guidebook and companion DVD provide parents with simple strategies they can use during everyday routines and activities to help their child interact more meaningfully with others and experience less frustration.

More Than Words can help you help your child reach the following three goals:

  1.     Improved social skills
  2.     The ability to engage in back-and-forth interactions
  3.     Improved understanding of language.

What makes More Than Words strategies so powerful is that you can use them during the everyday routines you're already doing with your child.

Making the most of your child's interests and special preferences, More Than Words can show you how to take any daily activity and turn it into a fun and natural way to help your child communicate. And because you're interacting closely with your child the whole time, you'll be connecting in new ways and learning things about each other you never knew before.

"R.O.C.K. in your Routine" is an example of a More Than Words strategy that can help your child better understand what you say and do:

  • Repeat what you say and do
  • Offer opportunities for your child to take a turn
  • Cue your child to take his turn; and
  • Keep it fun! Keep it going.

Easy-to-use Resources

The More Than Words guidebook and DVD are easily digestible resources that provide you with a step-by-step learning experience. You can use the guidebook on its own, or you can use it in combination with the companion DVD to maximize your learning.

While the guidebook outlines all the important information and strategies you'll need, the companion DVD allows you to see those strategies in action by watching real-life videos of parents interacting with their children. This way, you will really be able to "see" what works and what doesn't.

The More Than Words guidebook makes it easy for you to 'zero in' on your child's stage of communication so that you will better understand his needs and abilities. Once you have identified your child's stage, the guidebook explains you how to implement the strategies for your child's particular needs. You can then use the DVD to double-check that you're using a strategy correctly by going to the corresponding section of the companion DVD and watching real-life examples of other parents using that strategy with their child.

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Fern Sussman