NAB Psychometric and Technical Manual

Author(s) : Robert A Stern and Travis White

Publisher : PAR, 2003

SKU : 512NAB

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The Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (NAB) assesses a wide range of cognitive skills and functions in adults from 18-97 years of age.

The NAB consists of five domain-specific modules: Attention, Language, Memory, Spatial, and Executive Functions. A sixth module, Screening, allows the clinician to determine which of the other five domain-specific modules are appropriate to administer to an individual patient. Each of the six NAB modules is self-contained and may be administered independently of the other modules.

Each of the 33 NAB tests has two equivalent, parallel forms that were created and normed simultaneously to facilitate re-evaluation while avoiding practice effects.

The NAB Psychometric and Technical Manual provides detailed information on all of the psychometric information including reliability and validity as well as the information on the development of the NAB.

View NAB Psychometric and Technical Manual Sample Materials:

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Development of the NAB

Chapter 3: Standardization

Robert A Stern and Travis White

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