Author(s) : Thomas M. Achenbach
Publisher : ASEBA, 2004
SKU : 671QS
The ASEBA Older Adult forms (OABCL and OASR) can greatly improve assessment in a variety of contexts, including psychiatric and psychological evaluations, medical care, assessments following significant life changes (such as loss of a loved one or a move to an assisted living environment) and evaluations before and after planned changes and interventions.
The Older Adult Self-Report (OASR) obtains older adults' self-reports of diverse aspects of adaptive functioning and problems, whilst the Older Adults Behavior Checklist (OABCL) is a parallel form for obtaining reports from people who know the adult well.
The OABCL DSM-Oriented Profiles provide an easy way to view the individual's adaptive strengths and problems, by displaying each item and scale score on the profile, displayed in a graph format.
The DSM-Oriented Profiles are used in the same way as the standard profiles, but include these scales:
The OABCL/OASR Manual provides information on how to transfer data from the completed forms to the profiles.