Author(s) : Patti L. Harrison and Thomas Oakland
Publisher : WPS, 2015
SKU : E816
The Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, Third Edition (ABAS-3) is a comprehensive, norm-referenced assessment of adaptive skills needed to effectively and independently care for oneself, respond to others and meet environmental demands at home, school, work or community.
The ABAS-3 Online is accessed via the WPS Online Evaluation System ( The WPS Online Evaluation System offers convenient ABAS-3 administration, scoring, and intervention planning.
Online testing allows clinicians to:
The Online ABAS-3 Parent Form can be purchased in bundles of 5, 10 or 25.
Each Online Form Use includes administration and scoring (score report). A Use is consumed when an Online Form is scored.
This form is completed by the parent or other primary carers.