Oral and Written Language Scales 2nd ed. (OWLS-II) Comprehensive Software Kit

Author(s) : Dr. Elizabeth Carrow-Woolfolk

Publisher : WPS, 2011

SKU : 993LX

Available for backorder
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The Oral and Written Language Scales 2nd ed. (OWLS-II) can be used to provide a complete and integrated picture of oral and written language skills across a wide age range.

The OWLS-II evaluates four language processes on four separate scales: Listening Comprehension, Oral Expression, Reading Comprehension, and Written Expression. Each of these scales assesses four linguistic structures:

  • Lexical/Semantic
  • Syntactic
  • Pragmatic
  • Supralinguistic

Because it looks at the same linguistic structures across four distinct language processes, the OWLS-II provides a detailed, coherent, and integrated assessment. Although its four scales can be used separately, together they give you a comprehensive score profile that pinpoints language delays, identifies strengths and weaknesses in all areas, and guides intervention.

The OWLS-II Comprehensive Software Kit covers all 4 scales and includes:

  • OWLS-II Listening Comprehension/Oral Expression Kit (994LX)
  • OWLS-II Reading Comprehension & Written Expression Kit (996LX)
  • OWLS-II Foundations of Language Assessment (x1)
  • 10 Profile Forms
  • Unlimited Use Scoring Software (CD + USB)

The software is used for all four scales and is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8.

Dr. Elizabeth Carrow-Woolfolk

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