Oral and Written Language Scales 2nd ed. (OWLS-II) Listening Comprehension/Oral Expression Record Forms (pkg 25)

Author(s) : Dr. Elizabeth Carrow-Woolfolk

Publisher : WPS, 2011

SKU : 102LX

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The Oral and Written Language Scales 2nd ed. (OWLS-II) can be used to provide a complete and integrated picture of oral and written language skills across a wide age range.

The OWLS-II evaluates four language processes on four separate scales: Listening Comprehension, Oral Expression, Reading Comprehension, and Written Expression.

The Listening Comprehension (LC) Scale uses a convenient easel to measure receptive language. The examiner reads a stimulus word or phrase aloud, and the student responds by indicating one of four pictures that best depicts the meaning of the word. Correct responses are printed on the examiner's side of the easel and on the Record Form-permitting easy, on-the-spot scoring.

The Oral Expression (OE) Scale, with its own easel, measures expressive language, requiring the examinee to answer questions, finish sentences, and generate sentences in response to visual and oral prompts. To simplify scoring, common responses (correct and incorrect) are printed on the Record Form.

Record Forms are:

  • Sold in packs of 25
  • Consumable-need to be replaced each time testing takes place
Dr. Elizabeth Carrow-Woolfolk

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