PAI-A Profile Form (pkg 25)

Author(s) : Leslie C. Morey

Publisher : PAR, 2007

SKU : 601PAI

Available for backorder
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The Personality Assessment Inventory-Adolescent (PAI-A) is an objective personality assessment for use with adolescents from 12-18 years of age. It is designed to complement its parent instrument, the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI).

The PAI-A can be administered and scored by hand, via scoring software, or online via PARiConnect.

The PAI-A Profile Form allows for the conversion of raw scores to T scores for all scales/subscales.

The T scores can then be plotted (pattern of test results). It also contains a clinical "skyline" indicating the distribution of scores from a large sample of clinical cases, enabling you to compare your client's scores with those in the clinical sample.

Leslie C. Morey

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