Parent Child Interaction (PCI) Teaching Scale 2nd ed. Form (pkg 50)

Publisher : NCAST, 2013

SKU : 604PCI

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The Parent-Child Interaction (PCI) Feeding & Teaching Scales are a well-developed set of observable behaviours that describe caregiver/parent child interaction in either a feeding or teaching situation.

A valid and reliable assessments for measuring parent-child interaction with an extensive body of research across disciplines, it provides excellent pre and post measures to document intervention effects for clinicians and researchers

The PCI Scales can provide concrete areas to guide intervention, transform the provider's view of the parent-child relationship and give the provider a new lens with which to see the strengths and opportunities for growth in the parent-child relationship.

The PCI Teaching Scale 2nd ed. Form presents the Teaching Scale items. Responses are marked directly onto the Form. Forms are sold in pads of 50.

Please Note: Training is required to purchase the PCI. The name of a certified PCI Instructor is required when ordering.

Training Programs (in Victoria) are provided by the following organisations: