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Restricted (R)
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Monteiro Interview Guidelines for Diagnosing the Autism Spectrum, 2nd Edition (MIGDAS-2)
The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
S1: Psychology
S2: Speech Therapist
S3: Occupational Therapist
S4: Social Work
S6: Special Education
Please login or create a new account to register your qualifications. You can register within your account via My Profile > My Qualifications.
For further assistance please contact ACER Sales Support Team on +61 3 9277 5656 or email
The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
Restricted (R)
Please login or create a new account to register your qualifications. You can register within your account via My Profile > My Qualifications.
For further assistance please contact ACER Sales Support Team on +61 3 9277 5656 or email
Online Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) & Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Screening Form
The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
Schools (SCH)
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For further assistance please contact ACER Sales Support Team on +61 3 9277 5656 or email
Monteiro Interview Guidelines for Diagnosing the Autism Spectrum, 2nd Edition (MIGDAS-2)
The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
S1: Psychology
S2: Speech Therapist
S3: Occupational Therapist
S4: Social Work
S6: Special Education
Please login or create a new account to register your qualifications. You can register within your account via My Profile > My Qualifications.
For further assistance please contact ACER Sales Support Team on +61 3 9277 5656 or email
The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
Bachelor's Degree
Schools (SCH)
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For further assistance please contact ACER Sales Support Team on +61 3 9277 5656 or email
The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
Human Resources (HR)
Please login or create a new account to register your qualifications. You can register within your account via My Profile > My Qualifications.
For further assistance please contact ACER Sales Support Team on +61 3 9277 5656 or email
PAT-R 4th ed. is used to monitor progress in reading comprehension, vocabulary and spelling, and to provide teachers with diagnostic information to inform teaching.
PAT-R 4th ed. covers:
Years Prep to 10 in Comprehension
Years 3 -10 in Vocabulary
Years 4 -10 for Spelling.
PAT-R 4th ed. Test Booklet 6 is recommended for Years 5, 6 or 7.
Reusable Test Booklet- students mark their answers on the separate PAT-R 4th Ed. Comprehension OMR or NON-OMR Answer Sheet.
The following qualifications are required to access this product. Please
login or register to proceed
Please contact ACER Customer Service on +61 3 9007 2048 if you have any queries.
The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
Schools (SCH)
Please login or create a new account to register your qualifications. You can register within your account via My Profile > My Qualifications.
For further assistance please contact ACER Sales Support Team on +61 3 9277 5656 or email