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Monteiro Interview Guidelines for Diagnosing the Autism Spectrum, 2nd Edition (MIGDAS-2)
The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
S1: Psychology
S2: Speech Therapist
S3: Occupational Therapist
S4: Social Work
S6: Special Education
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The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
Restricted (R)
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Online Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) & Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Screening Form
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Schools (SCH)
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For further assistance please contact ACER Sales Support Team on +61 3 9277 5656 or email
Monteiro Interview Guidelines for Diagnosing the Autism Spectrum, 2nd Edition (MIGDAS-2)
The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
S1: Psychology
S2: Speech Therapist
S3: Occupational Therapist
S4: Social Work
S6: Special Education
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The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
Bachelor's Degree
Schools (SCH)
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Human Resources (HR)
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The Progressive Achievement Tests in Written Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (PAT-SPG) is a thoroughly researched and nationally normed set of tests to assess students’ skills in applying conventions of the English language.
PAT-SPG consists of two components: Grammar and Punctuation; and Written Spelling. Each test provides teachers with objective information for setting realistic learning goals and planning effective English programs.
PAT-SPG Grammar and Punctuation contains seven tests and PAT-SPG Written Spelling contains eight tests, each targeted at a particular year level, but suitable for use and normed in adjacent year levels.
Seven graded and normed PAT-SPG Grammar and Punctuation tests (Tests 3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9).
Eight graded and normed PAT-SPG Written Spelling tests (Tests 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10).
Assessments that reflect the emphasis on language in the English national curriculum.
A common developmental PAT-SPG Grammar and Punctuation scale for reporting results on each test, allowing the collection of diagnostic information from student responses and the tracking of progress from year to year.
Results on the PAT-SPG Written Spelling test are reported and normed on the existing PAT-R Spelling scale, providing a comprehensive assessment of spelling, both through dictation and written text.
Group and individual diagnostic reports similar to those in PAT-R 4th Edition.
Copy masters of administration instructions, score keys, diagnostic reports and Excel spreadsheets for recording group results.
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Progressive Achievement Tests in Written Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (PAT-SPG)
The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
Schools (SCH)
Please login or create a new account to register your qualifications. You can register within your account via My Profile > My Qualifications.
For further assistance please contact ACER Sales Support Team on +61 3 9277 5656 or email