Progressive Achievement Tests in Written Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (PAT-SPG)

PAT-SPG paper materials while stocks last.

Publisher : ACER Press, 2011


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PAT-SPG Manual and CD


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PAT-SPG Grammar and Punctuation Test Booklet 4 (Year 3, 4, 5)


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PAT-SPG Grammar and Punctuation Test Booklet 5 (Year 4, 5, 6)


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PAT-SPG Grammar and Punctuation Test Booklet 7 (Year 6, 7, 8)


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The Progressive Achievement Tests in Written Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (PAT-SPG) is a thoroughly researched and nationally normed set of tests to assess students’ skills in applying conventions of the English language.

PAT-SPG consists of two components: Grammar and Punctuation; and Written Spelling. Each test provides teachers with objective information for setting realistic learning goals and planning effective English programs.

PAT-SPG Grammar and Punctuation contains seven tests and PAT-SPG Written Spelling contains eight tests, each targeted at a particular year level, but suitable for use and normed in adjacent year levels.


  • Seven graded and normed PAT-SPG Grammar and Punctuation tests (Tests 3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9).
  • Eight graded and normed PAT-SPG Written Spelling tests (Tests 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10).
  • Assessments that reflect the emphasis on language in the English national curriculum.
  • A common developmental PAT-SPG Grammar and Punctuation scale for reporting results on each test, allowing the collection of diagnostic information from student responses and the tracking of progress from year to year.
  • Results on the PAT-SPG Written Spelling test are reported and normed on the existing PAT-R Spelling scale, providing a comprehensive assessment of spelling, both through dictation and written text.
  • Group and individual diagnostic reports similar to those in PAT-R 4th Edition.
  • Copy masters of administration instructions, score keys, diagnostic reports and Excel spreadsheets for recording group results.

Additional Materials

PAT-SPG Written Spelling Sample Questions

PAT-SPG Grammar and Punctuation Sample Questions

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