Promoting First Relationships Curriculum

Author(s) : Jean F. Kelly, Tracy G. Zuckerman, Diana Sandoval and Kim Buehlman

Publisher : NCAST, 2016

SKU : 500PFR

Available for backorder

Promoting First Relationships is an evidence-based curriculum designed for service providers that can be used to assist parents and other caregivers meet the social and emotional needs of young children (0-3 years).

It covers issues critical to supporting and guiding caregivers in building nurturing and responsive relationships with children, including theoretical foundations of social and emotional development in early childhood; consultation strategies for working with parents and other caregivers; elements of a healthy relationship; promoting the development of trust and security in infancy; promoting healthy development of self during toddlerhood; understanding and intervening with children's challenging behaviours; developing intervention plans for children and caregivers and individualising Promoting First Relationships for your setting.

The Promoting First Relationships Curriculum includes:

  • Promoting First Relationships Manual 3rd Edition (155 page book based on the concepts of attachment theory)
  • CD with 20 reproducible colour handouts to be used with parents and childcare providers
  • 28 minute DVD video that explains the elements of healthy caregiver-child relationships

The updated 3rd Edition (2016) includes new handouts (power of repair, separations and transitions) and two new attachment handouts (developing trust and supporting trust and exploration). The Manual incorporates these handouts, but there are not significant changes to the curriculum itself. The DVD remained the same.

Jean F. Kelly, Tracy G. Zuckerman, Diana Sandoval and Kim Buehlman