Sensory Integration and the Child

Understanding Hidden Sensory Challenges

Author(s) : A Jean Ayres

Publisher : WPS, 2005

SKU : 4006BK

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This classic handbook, from the originator of sensory integration theory, is now available in an updated, parent-friendly edition. Indispensable reading for parents, this book provides an excellent way to improve communication between therapists, parents, and teachers.

Retaining all the features that made the original edition so popular with both parents and professionals, Sensory Integration and the Child remains the best book on the subject.

With a new foreword by Dr. Florence Clark and commentaries by recognised experts in sensory integration, this volume explains sensory integrative dysfunction, how to recognize it, and what to do about it.

Helpful tips, checklists, question-and-answer sections, and parent resources make the new edition more informative and useful.

The original edition was the first book to explicate sensory integrative dysfunction-and this edition offers new insights and helpful updates in an easy-to-use format.

A Jean Ayres