SESBI-R Test Sheet (pkg 25)

Author(s) : Sheila Eyberg

Publisher : PAR, 1999

SKU : 101EYB

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The Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI) and the Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory-Revised (SESBI-R) are comprehensive, behaviourally specific rating scales that assess the current frequency and severity of disruptive behaviours in the home and school settings, as well as the extent to which parents and/or teachers find the behaviour troublesome.

By evaluating the variety and frequency of behaviours commonly exhibited by all children, the instrument distinguishes normal behaviour problems from conduct-disordered behaviour in children and adolescents.

The SESBI-R Test Sheet is completed by teachers, assessing the child or adolescent's behaviour at school. Using a 7-point Intensity scale and a yes-or-no Problem scale, teachers are asked to circle the number (from 1-7) describing how often the behaviour currently occurs. They then circle YES or NO indicating if the problem is currently a problem for them.

The Test Sheets can be scored in approximately 5 minutes (using the ECBI/SESBI-R Manual), or alternatively the ECBI/SESBI-R can be administered and/or scored online, via PARiConnect.

Sheila Eyberg

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