Structured program for early childhood therapists working with autism

ISBN13 : 9780864318770

Author(s) : Dr Robyn Young, Carrie Partington and Talya Goren

Publisher : ACER Press, 2009


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The SPECTRA is an applied behavioural intervention program for use by psychologists, special needs teachers, therapists and early childhood educators with children with autistic disorders.

Designed for children with an intellectual age of 18 months to 6 years, SPECTRA enables therapists to develop customised programs of developmental tasks that suit the individual needs of each child. The materials provide guidelines for the successful implementation of a structured program, with clear step-by-step descriptions for teaching various skills.

The SPECTRA Manual provides information on:

  • Identifying Autism - How can we do this?
  • Theory, Research and Principles
  • Implementation
  • Detailed Instructions and steps for each area (some area examples include Compliance, Eye Contact, Joint Attention and Mathematics)
Dr Robyn Young, Carrie Partington and Talya Goren