SRS-2 Hand-Scored Kit

Author(s) : John N. Constantino

Publisher : WPS, 2012

SKU : 992SRS

Available for backorder
Qualification required

The Social Responsiveness Scale, Second Edition (SRS-2) identifies social impairment associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and quantifies its severity. It assesses social impairment in natural settings, from more than one perspective.

The SRS-2 consists of four forms, each with 65 items - School-Age Form (ages 4 through 18, completed by parent or teacher, and composed of the same items that appeared on the original SRS), Preschool Form (for ages 2½ to 4½, completed by parent or teacher), Adult Form (for ages 19 and up, completed by relative or friend) and the Adult Self-Report Form (Self-report option for ages 19 and up).

The SRS-2 Hand-Scored Kit includes:

  • Manual
  • 25 Preschool AutoScore Forms
  • 25 School-Age AutoScore Forms
  • 25 Adult (Relative/Other Report) AutoScore Forms
  • 25 Adult (Self-Report) AutoScore Forms
John N. Constantino

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