Stop Think Do Supplement for Middle Years: Ages 12-15

Author(s) : Lindy Petersen

Publisher : Lindy Petersen, 2004

SKU : 200HG

Available for backorder

Stop Think Do is a social skills programme for use in schools with children who have emotional, social or behavioural difficulties that affect their ability to make friends.

The Stop Think Do Supplement for Middle Years: Ages 12-15 extends the Stop Think Do program to target adolescents in their middle years of schooling, transitioning from primary to secondary school. It is a supplement to the more comprehensive primary school manuals.

The program includes 12 lessons covering a wide range of social skills.

Lessons are divided into the following six units:

  • Self-awareness and identity
  • Good and bad communication
  • Thinking and problem solving
  • Morals and values
  • Decision making and friendship skills
  • Pressures and responsibilities

Lindy Petersen is a clinical psychologist with thirty years' experience working with children, adolescents, parents and teachers in clinical and school settings. She is based in Adelaide, South Australia.