Author(s) : Nancy Martin, Rick Brownell and Patricia Hamaguchi
Publisher : Academic Therapy Publications, 2018
SKU : 504TAP
The Test of Auditory Processing Skills 4th Edition (TAPS-4) provides information about language processing and comprehension skills across three intersecting areas: phonological processing, auditory memory and listening comprehension.
The TAPS-4 features new subtests along with revisions to subtests from the TAPS-3, fully updated norms, and an expanded age range. The TAPS-4 subtests were also reorganized into Index and Supplemental subtests, reducing testing burden and increasing flexibility in administration.
The TAPS-4 also features audio administration for the subtests in which proper pronunciation of speech sounds is critical, providing a greater degree of standardization and accuracy during the testing process.
The TAPS-4 Manual provides all information required for administering and scoring the assessment.
TAPS-4 Index subtests can be administered in one hour or less. Scaled scores are provided for subtests; standard scores are provided for cores and the overall score. Discrepancy scores allow comparison of performance across subtests.